Results of the first competition of the “Tsil” (“Germ”) Project

Results of the first competition of the “Tsil” ("Germ") Project

The results of the first (May-June 2022) competition of the “Tsil” Young Authors Support Program are summarized. The names of the winners are known.

«Ծիլ» երիտասարդ հեղինակների աջակցության ծրագրի առաջին մրցույթի (2022թ․ մայիս-հունիս) արդյունքները ամփոփվեցին: Հայտնի են հաղթողների անունները:

The First-Degree Award in the “Literature” nomination was awarded to the following participants.
  • Anush Gasparyan
  • Araksia Tonoyan
  • Anahit Balasanyan
  • Mher Sanosyan
  • Elen Baghdasaryan
  • Silvi Stepanyan
The following participants received the Second-Degree Award in the “Literature” nomination.
  • Artavazd Safrazyan
  • Kristine Safaryan
  • Gohar Hoveyan
  • Yulia Avlastimidu
  • Farida Malkhasyan
  • Nare Avetisyan
  • Milena Ismailyan
  • Tatiana Darbinyan
Svetlana Muradyan received Second-Degree Award in “Painting” nomination of the “Tsil” creative competition. Unfortunately, there were no other winners in this category. Unfortunately, there were no winners in the “Photo and video” category either. We congratulate all participants of the Competition and wish them goodluck.