“Davitbekian Games” Festival-Contest: 2023

"Davitbekian Games" Festival-Contest: 2023

As planned on July 24–30, “Davitbekian Games” annual festival-contest took place in Kapan. This time, the events were organized in a specially renovated camp with all the necessary infrastructure.

This year, the “Amrots” Foundation together with the “Davitbekian Games” NGO became the co-organizer and co-financier of the events.

It is nice to note that the initiative, which started two years ago, is gradually gaining recognition, and attracting new, small, and large like-minded partners, including – Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combinate (ZCMC) and “Marila” LLC. And this time also, the Competition-festival was held in close cooperation with the municipality of Kapan municipality.

10 teams from different regions of the Republic of Armenia with about 100 participants took part in the “Davitbekian Games” of 2023, and no less than 2/3 of the participants, according to the rules of the event, took part in the Contest-festival for the first time.

2 teams from “ZARK” – another, military-sports program, implemented by the “Amrots” Foundation, took part in the event (one of them – a collective team), while the informational coverage of the event was carried out on the ground by an active involvement of four laureates of “Tsil” (“Germ”) Young Authors Support Program, also executed by the Foundation.

The preparatory work for the “Davitbekian Games” – 2024 has started.