Studies in geopolitics, security, state building, demography, history, and Armenology; projects for the propagation of such materials as well as assisting the professional growth of the best representatives in these fields.

“ZARK” Military-Sports Program

In Autumn of 2021 “Amrots” Foundation together with its partners initiated “ZARK” Military-Sports Project, and together with its implementors – “”Martik” Military-Sport Club” NGO, and since November 2022 – “”Bats” Association of Veterans” NGO makes efforts for physical training and spiritual development of pre-draft youth, formation of a healthy and responsible generation.

“Davitbekian Games” Festival-Contest

“Davitbekian Games” is an annual festival-competition held in the city of Kapan with the financial and organizational support of the “Amrots” Foundation. The purpose of the Project is to provide an opportunity for military-sports teams to get to know each other and give them the grounds to test their skills in a competitive environment.

“TaUzh” Schools Project

“Amrots” Foundation supports the “TaUzh” Schools Project, which is implemented in the Tavush Region of the Republic of Armenia and is aimed at inculcating national and Christian values and raising a healthy generation.