Video Series

The purpose of the video clips is to present those episodes of the Armenian history when the efforts of Armenians in the face of imminent danger were crowned with success, thanks to the nation’s willingness to fight, its unbreakable will, reasonable strategy and joint efforts.

Readings from "Book of Lamentations"

The “Book of Lamentations” (known as “Narek”) by St. Grigor Narekatsi (St. Gregory of Narek) for almost ten centuries has been accompanying the Armenian people and a guiding those of its children, who follow the path of spiritual knowledge and self-analysis; the path leading to repentance and self-improvement. The reading of the “Narek” prayers by Priest Fr. Mesrop Aramyan is an opportunity to re-establish the connection with the spiritual heritage of Armenia and, at the same time, to see and value what is common Christian and panhuman within the national.

Series "Identity and Values"

The series of “Identity and Values” discussions by our partners is devoted to the problems of worldview. The main themes are personal and collective identity, cognition and values. The purpose of the discussions is to promote ideological thinking, the formation of a culture of community building and the development of a dialogue about values in Armenia and the Diaspora.